memories slideshow

Thursday, October 12, 2006

electric storm

I haven't seen a lightning show like the one tonight since the last time I was in Arizona - rainless thunderstorms happen there all the time, but here thunderstorms are rare in rainy weather let alone dry!

It was so beautiful! I went to watch it from a local beach access spot and found a nice little bench to watch the show from. I saw a lot of people along the way, but oddly enough, no one was at the spot I found, it was kind of like getting a private screening. I watched for about an hour, until it got too cold and the the storm began slowing down and moving south.

Its still playing havoc with the electricity - and one of the local tv stations went off the air for about 20 minutes. Pretty crazy but totally awesome!!


Anonymous said...

i am supposing u took that picture? its just downright beautiful!
i love thunder/lightening storms too...we havent had a good one in sometime. :(

me said...

would love to take credit for that beautiful photo, but alas, though I took over 30 pictures that night, not one of them turned out - so I borrowed this one from the local paper and forgot to credit them...