memories slideshow

Thursday, November 02, 2006

All Hallows Eve


Halloween, what Halloween?!

This year has to be THE least eventful, most quiet Halloween I have ever experienced!! Typically my favorite holiday, and barely even noted! How did I miss Halloween, how could this happen??? street is too remote, rural and slightly dangerous for kids to trick or treat on, working at home now - it's not like there is the whole "office festivities" to rely on, being both ill with the flu, under major project deadlines and doing combined work and personal travel the past four weeks leaves no time to really think about it or prepare and then add in the braces...yup, no Halloween.

And the kicker is that I actually went to a Halloween party sunday afternoon, only no one told me it was a Halloween party and no one was dressed up and it was daytime, so other than the themed cupcakes, it didn't really fit the bill.

I truly find this much more amusing than bummer. Although I do feel like I need to do something about it, either go out in costume or throw a costume party or something, and soon. There are aspects of the associated celebratory traditions that are purely good for the soul! I feel a plan coming on! =o)

I must note that last Halloween I did get in a little celebration but I also had one of the freakiest nights of my life, and I am happy to report that there have been no new instances of those events!

And last but not least, Happy 1st Birthday to Samantha Jane!! I finally got see her a few weeks ago and she is absolutely gorgeous, so smiley, sweet, observant and determined! if she is this cute already, man, she is going to be a heart breaker by 2! =o) It is going to be very hard to resist the temptation to spoil her rotten!

You know what all this means don't you? THE HOLIDAYS are fast approaching and 2007 just around the corner...just amazing!!

Happy Fall!

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