memories slideshow

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

beautiful days

what a glorious weekend we had last weekend, our little coastal town actually hit the low to mid 80's, a rare and beautiful surprise! Saturday, in honor of both Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby, a friend and I went out for an afternoon of tapas and champagne at a local restaurant that has outdoor seating in a small garden that overlooks a creek full of ducks and playing children, which then led to a trip to the art supply store and the inspiration to have a good old fashioned "lets make art" party with two of my closest friends Saturday night. Sunday morning we went out for juevos rancheros and then on to 9 holes of golf at my favorite sea side course. The weather was still so nice at 5 pm that we headed out to the beach for an hour of sunbathing before going home to watch the Sopranos. As I sat on my porch looking out at my little peak of the ocean, I realized that I have been more relaxed and happier since I moved into my new house than I have been for a long time. I am such a sun girl, it was so lovely out and life has been bringing me such delightful joys lately, just beautiful days! Wishing you beautiful days too! :)

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