memories slideshow

Monday, February 07, 2005

Best Quotes

The annual locals only party was held last Tuesday at my favorite spot. Some notable quotes:

CC: "Keds are hot!"

GG: "My last name is the best you could hope for."
FL: "Okay, are you asking?"

SJ: "Let's play tennis."

"Happy Birthday Toke!"

CN: "Someone knows one of my brothers really well?"

GG: "You need to make up your mind, beeeyotch!"

W1: "You know, he isn't wearing anything under that kilt."
W2: "How do you know?"
W1: "That guy just lifted it to make sure."

TK: "Seriously, you should always wear a Fedora."

1 comment:

Leslie Wilson Corsbie said...

I will forever think "KEDS ARE HOT". Thank you for that!