memories slideshow

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I went to see an orthodontist today, because ever since my car accident a few years ago I have noticed that one of my front teeth has been slowly moving out of place. My regular dentist suggested I have it checked out to make sure there isn't something more serious going on. It turns out that it was very good advice, because it could eventually lead to nerve damage if untreated.

But, in order to correct the problem, I am going to have to get braces, as soon as possible. Braces...I am getting close to 40 years old and I am going to have braces like a freakin' teenager - As it is, I get carded now almost every time I go out, somehow I think this is going make it worse.

My brother is going to be so amused, he had to wear full braces for a few years as a teenager, and was quite irritated that I never needed them too. The funny thing is that when I was younger, I really wanted braces, because in my total stupidity, I actually thought it might make me cuter, since it seemed like the most pretty and popular girls had braces. But I got over it, and seeing what my poor brother had to go through, I was pretty glad that I hadn't needed them afterall. It never occurred to me that I would "get my chance" as an adult!

What is not yet known is if the ceramic braces will suffice or if I have to go full metal bracket...I suspect there may be a lot less smiling for a year or so if ceramic won't do the trick. Ultimately it is the difference between Braceface and Metalmouth, because I am pretty sure that I am not getting through this one without some serious teasing.



Anonymous said...

no way! braces are no fun. I'm glad that you are taking care of your self.

Dont' be shy to smile.


Leslie Wilson Corsbie said...

You get to pick fun colors for your braces now and change 'em for moods and seasons!!
When I see ya', I'll say "what color ya got now?".