memories slideshow

Monday, June 13, 2005

"U" all day

I treated a friend to a lovely sunday brunch in honor of his birthday yesterday out in the cam, the breakfast was seriously yummy, as were the accompanying fresh fruit, morning pastries, coffee and mimosa's, all enjoyed in a lushly forrested creekside sunstreaked outdoor patio.

We then decided to drive up the coast a bit to check out the swells, and the sweet sets that were rolling in. We stopped at several local surf spots and ended up at "the cove" a few miles north.

While walking along the beach at the cove we ran into some other friends, fellow U's, and as we chatted about this and that 3 dolphins leaped out of the water right in front of me, they were only maybe 30 feet away, in surprisingly shallow water and so unbelievably beautiful, sleek and graceful. I have never seen dolphins so close to shore here, I was so amazed and excited! It is unbelievably difficult to describe something like that and the feelings that go with it.

Just. Awesome.

We topped the day off by calling a bunch of friends to gather for a good old fashioned beach bonfire complete with guitars, drums, beverages and lots of snacks. We sat around the fire, toasted marshmellows, sang some songs and made some up, laughed and laughed and laughed.

Simply a beautiful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
